Southwestern College alumnus, Joseph Camarena, stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and determination. With a keen interest in computer science and a resilient spirit, Joseph has carved a path of success that extends from the halls of Southwestern College to the cutting-edge reals of IT.

Joseph Camarena graduated from Southwestern College in 2019 with an Associate of Science degree in Computer Science, laying the foundation for a journey marked by academic excellence and a commitment to continuous learning. Currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Joseph is slated to graduate in 2025, showcasing his unwavering dedication to advancing his skills and knowledge in the ever-evolving field of technology.

During his time at Southwestern College, Joseph Camarena was part of the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program a statewide initiative that supports economically and educationally disadvantaged students in excelling in math, engineering, and science majors – and was able to join the prestigious Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Summer Internship program. The program, focusing on interdisciplinary projects in various STEM fields, provided Joseph with invaluable hands-on experience. Serving as a research intern, he contributed to fundamental work in areas relevant to NIWC Pacific, demonstrating his ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Reflecting on his Southwestern College experience, Joseph emphasizes the importance of perseverance and seeking support when needed. He notes, “One of the biggest lessons I learned is that if I give studying a good, honest try, I can go to my professors for help when I get stuck. Another important lesson is to see how far I can get with something before asking for help; your peers will be eager to help if they understand that you’ve given it a good try.”

Joseph credits Math Professor Bruce Smith for fostering a positive learning environment that fueled his academic journey. Professor Smith’s infectious optimism and wealth of knowledge not only made learning fun and entertaining but also instilled in Joseph the confidence to navigate challenges and emerge victorious. 

As the owner and IT support specialist at Secure IT Solutions, Joseph Camarena continues to embody the spirit of innovation and resilience instilled in him during his time at Southwestern College. His story serves as an inspiration for current and future students, highlighting the possibilities that unfold when education, perseverance, and support converge on the path to success. 

Our local workforce needs more skilled workers like Camarena. The San Diego Economic Development Council, in a 2023 report*, mentioned that there is “talent scarcity” in San Diego, with hiring demand exceeding the supply of talent across industries. Luckily, Southwestern College has aligned curriculums that meet the needs of industry, creating pathways for students like Joseph, to compete for in-demand jobs – or launch their own business, like he did.  

As demand for more STEM skill workers grows, the need for more labs and space also increases at our college. Our Math, Science & Engineering building is at full capacity, and there is a need for expansion so that programs in Engineering, Biology and Computer Science can grow. The STEM programs enrollment for the Spring Semester, as of January 18, will serve 7,451 students, offering 288 class sections distributed in 16 classrooms, 3 lecture halls, and 15 labs. The need to expand space and services in the coming years will be key in providing students with the necessary tools to keep up with industry demand. 

As we celebrate success stories like Joseph’s, Southwestern College is committed to investing in the infrastructure that will shape the future of aspiring professionals in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and innovation.

We invite you to explore our amazing STEM programs


If you are a business with a workforce in the Math, Science or Engineering fields that would benefit from training a student-workforce – or want to contribute through internships or scholarships – contact us at to connect you with our students. 

*San Diego Economic Development Council Report: